National Sales Director
In the role of National Sales Director, one of my primary responsibilities is to focus on improvements relating to the ease of doing business and, in doing so, strengthen partnerships. The distributors and sales team look to Dunbarton to ensure that products are produced correctly and delivered on time, and we need to ensure that happens!
To provide ideal service, we must consider the total customer experience and identify solutions to potential roadblocks that create costly delays; and ask what products take precedence over others, what can be customized, track each order, and accomplish this economically. Resourcefulness will pave the way for quality customer service and lasting partnerships.
Dunbarton’s teams are committed to providing a solution and completing the project on time.
Dunbarton’s products are well-established in the opening systems industry. The SlimFold metal bifold doors have been around since 1954; Dunbarton is still the only manufacturer of metal bi-fold doors in North America! Builders trust the sturdy RediFlex and RediFit door frames in hotels and universities, and many developers utilize the Achiever systems in modular homes and neighborhoods. But to stand out in today’s market, our brand must meet expectations in all deliverables.
It’s all about the process and being solution oriented. Our core belief has always been to help our distribution partners close out projects and the ability to complete the project. These objectives are imperative in today’s construction environment; whether it’s a last-minute job site modification or specific details overlooked at the job site, Dunbarton’s teams are committed to providing a solution and completing the project on time.
Based on ever-changing construction challenges, our customers have always counted on Dunbarton to help finish a project. Providing a quick turnaround was the perfect solution for one customer in Florida. One builder in Panama City required a change in door frames after the original order had shipped. The folks at Dunbarton were able to turn around 85 openings in less than two weeks, completing the job and clearing the way for the hotel to open on time.
Each customer has unique challenges. It is up to us to help navigate through those challenges. A positive customer experience promotes partnerships. These are the partnerships that we continue to nurture for decades.
Phil Bonacorda, a longtime customer with Custom Millwork, Inc. shares, “We are about to celebrate our 19-year partnership with Dunbarton, and we could not be happier with our long business history. From the quote and order entry professionals to the craftsman on the shop floor, to the experts in packaging and logistics, and everyone in between, the people at Dunbarton understand the importance of supplying our customers with a quality product, delivering on time, and at the right price. Leadership and Territory Sales understands our business and supports our efforts to drive sales and deliver project after project. We are thrilled to have Dunbarton, a First-Class partner, to collaborate and help grow our business.”
Like Phil Bonacorda, you are a priority. We will do what it takes to champion you, our friends. Please let us know what Dunbarton can do to make things easier on your end.